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High Speed Printing Presses Command High Quality Industrial Knives

Speed drives almost all technological innovations. The assembly line was built because Henry Ford wanted to put his cars together more quickly. The internet was created because data transfers between information agencies were too slow. The airplane was invented because the Wright Brothers thought that ocean-based transport took too long – and they thought of. . .

The Emergence Of Craft Brewing – Understanding The Effects Of This Trend On The Labeling Industry

The craft brewing industry is huge in the United States – and shows no signs of slowing down. While domestic “macrobrews” still lead the pack in terms of overall sales volume, craft breweries have been experiencing staggering growth. In 2012, the overall market cap of the craft brewing industry was $10.2 billion. By 2016, this. . .

Dispelling Myths: Three Common Misconceptions In The Paper Industry

Sometimes, the paper industry gets a reputation for being bad for the environment. But the modern paper industry is far from destructive. In fact, the paper industry as a whole has made great strides in recent years towards sustainability, especially as renewable resources and environmentally-friendly business models become commonplace. In this article, we’ll take a. . .

The Emergence of Convenience Foods. Three Trends Changing the Packaging Industry.

Food packaging has undergone many revolutions over the years – from the invention of freezable foods and packaging, to the invention of the microwave, the only constant in the industry of food packaging is change. And the food packaging industry continues to change in the 21st century. In the modern world, time is one of. . .

Meet TGW International

Established in 1908, our company has been one of the industry’s leading industrial machine knife manufacturers for over a century. Today, we are proud to be able to say TGW is still owned by the original Wolstenholme family who founded it over a century ago. With an unrelenting focus on quality craftsmanship, TGW knives are. . .

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